Post by MichaelPost by Uday ReddyPost by MichaelRequired feature 'bbdb-autoloads' was not provided
Is this a problem with vm or bbdb?
I am running Debian Testing, vm-8.2.0b, and bbdb v3
Most likely a problem with bbdb or your customizations. VM itself doesn't
know anything about bbdb.
Ok, thanks Uday.
This leads to another question.
With the newer vm and bbdb, what is required for bbdb to work with vm?
When I use gnus, bbdb works fine, so I don't know what different
customization to use for vm.
I've tried to use what I find via google, but obviously have something
Your initial post suggests that you have a require of bbdb-autoloads, that
doesn't exist in bbdb 3. I have
(bbdb-initialize 'vm 'message 'gnus)
And I think that is more or less it!
Though I added
(setq bbdb-mua-update-interactive-p '(query . create))
;; Make sure we look at every address in a message and not only the
;; first one
(setq bbdb-message-all-addresses t)
;; use ; on a message to invoke bbdb interactively
(lambda ()
(define-key gnus-summary-mode-map (kbd ";") 'bbdb-mua-edit-field)))
to get some things back from what I was used to with bbdb 2
You might need to ensure that when you built bbdb, it found and built the
vm interface code.
Robert Marshall twitter: @rajm