[VM] IMAP folders with space in name
Uday Reddy
2011-12-25 09:44:59 UTC
The problem I can't get past, no doubt due to senility, is how to
specify Gmail folders with a space in the name. I did vm-list-imap-
folders and we have things like
[Gmail]/Sent Mail
[Gmail]/All Mail
When I try to visit one of these, nothing works. The minute I get to
the space character, VM wants to find completions. Quotes don't help.
What do you mean by "specify"? Typing in the folder name in the minibuffer?
I think Gnu Emacs, by default, doesn't use <SPC> for completion. You must
have altered the minibuffer keymap. In the worst case, you could go back to
the default keymap. Or you could pick the folder name with the mouse from
the *Completions* buffer.

If you are actually going to be using virtual folders, you could pick your
own virtual folder name and avoid spaces in it.

(I think IMAP folder name completion didn't work fully in the 8.2.0a
release. Anthony Mallet fixed it a few revisions later. I intend to get
the next release out by the end of the holiday season.)

Bob Newell
2011-12-25 19:04:04 UTC
What do you mean by "specify"?  Typing in the folder name in the minibuffer?
Yes, exactly.
I think Gnu Emacs, by default, doesn't use <SPC> for completion.  You must
have altered the minibuffer keymap.  In the worst case, you could go back to
the default keymap.  Or you could pick the folder name with the mouse from
the *Completions* buffer.
I didn't alter the minibuffer keymap, but TAB completion does indeed
work. I should have thought of that.
Gmail has folder names with embedded spaces, perhaps a poor choice but
one we must live with.

Many thanks for your reply. As a vm user for a number of years now, I
look forward to moving into the IMAP era with the same familiar tool.

Bob Newell
