[VM] mu4e
Robert Goldman
2013-05-28 16:07:03 UTC
Date: Tue, 28 May 2013 14:34:47 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: Re: [VM] Are there plans to release 8.2?
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Personally, I've been thinking that it's time to finally drop VM and
move to some other mail reader with good IMAP support, probably mutt.
But the hassle of either A) learning new key bindings or B) changing
mutt to have all the emacs/vm bindings has been holding me back.
Has anybody considered switching to mu4e?
How soft/hard is the transition from vm?
I looked into this briefly. I found this, like mutt, to be very
cumbersome with a framework where you have a large number of IMAP folders.

The problem is that when you operate on IMAP folders (e.g., you decide
you need to see/subscribe one that you haven't been subscribed to), it's
a very cumbersome process. You need to close your MUA and then start
hacking offlineimap or fetchmail config files.

This feels very clunky compared to a modern program that interactively
manages folder subscription/unsubscription/move/etc. At least to me
"folder management" doesn't seem like a task that should be outside the
coverage of the MUA and in the land of UNIX config scripts and editors.

