Post by Uday ReddyPost by Julian BradfieldIf I visit a folder read-only, I don't expect it to be changed and
(a) If I visit a folder created by my MTA, VM says "upgrading
attributes", and then the folder is modified, and VM writes it
back to disk when I quit. This of course causes corruption if the
MTA is writing new mail at the same time, since they use different
locking mechanisms.
I don't think that that kind of semantics has ever been promised for
`vm-folder-read-only'. Actually, I don't find it documented in the manual
at all, which means to me that no promises were ever made.
I haven't taken out any read-only checks that were present in VM. The
behaviour should be the same as it always was. (Of course, some bugs here
and there are always possible, but there was no deliberate attempt to change
the behaviour here.)
If you do not want a folder changed, your best bet is to use
`vm-quit-no-change' when you are done.
We can discuss assigning a strong semantics to read-only, but I suspect that
it may be difficult to implement. "Upgrading attributes", for example,
needs to be done when an old folder is read because the new code base will
only work with the upgraded version of data. We can perhaps refrain from
writing the folder back to the disk at the end if the read-only flag is set.
Personally, I don't think you should ever be using VM on folders that an MTA
is writing to. Failsafe concurrency is only possible if you use a proper
mail server. Concurrency is the main reason I myself switched to IMAP. I
regard what I used to do in the old days as "stone age"!
I've used local mail folders that the mta writes to for a while now
(procmail to spool file read by vm). movemail seems to do a good job
- I have not experienced corruption/locking problems in this area when
using vm over the years.
Post by Uday ReddyPost by Julian Bradfield(b) If I visit a virtual read-only folder, and then I change the
attributes of a message (by, say, filing it), the underlying
folder has its attributes changed and gets written when I quit the
virtual folder. I don't think this is right either.
Indeed, this wishlist item has been recorded.
Please feel free to contribute a patch if you are able to.
Compared with 8.1.1...
(a) automatic upgrading of attributes happen in 8.1.1, so there's
nothing to compare
(b) 8.1.1 gets this right. It doesn't add the 'filed' mark when you
file a message from within a r/o folder. And if you use
vm-set-message-attributes, it whines that the folder is r/o.
folder). So it's just a "simple matter" of finding the diff from
8.1.1 to 8.2.0 that causes the regression.
For (a), I think that updating attributes for a read-only folder could
just be kept in memory.
In fact, I think I would prefer that for read-write folders that have
old attributes. That is, update the attributes in memory and don't
mark the folder changed for just folder attribute changes. Then if
you don't make any other changes and then do vm-quit or
vm-quit-no-change, vm just quits the folder without saving the updated
attributes (and without asking you to save the [internal] folder
attributes change). If you do make "real" changes, then vm saves the
updated attributes along with those changes.
That's one thing I noticed with 8.2.0 - just visiting my old folders
immediately marks it changed and prompts me when I use
vm-quit-no-change. Now that I've gotten used to this behavior and
pondered it for a while, I would prefer the behavior I just described
(don't consider attributes changes only actual changes) if it's not
too much of a pain to implement. I can live with the current behavior
(and have been), but it's not the best option from a user experience,