[VM] IMAP protocol errors with large folders
Matthew Vernon
2014-09-19 15:45:27 UTC

If I visit a folder that has a lot of messages that aren't in my local
IMAP cache (e.g. because I've not looked at it in VM for a while), then
from time to time the update will stop, and the following error appear
in *Messages*:

Retrieving message 1700 (of 2873) from hermes:inbox, 100%... [2 times]
Retrieval from hermes:inbox signaled: (vm-imap-protocol-error expected (BODY[] string) in FETCH response)
Retrieving message 1700 (of 2873) from hermes:inbox, 100%...

if I then hit "g" again, then VM continues downloading.

This is an intermittent problem - sometimes it'll only manage 100 or so
messages before failing thus, other times over 1000.

Is this a known issue? I'm pretty sure my IMAP server is
competent. vm-version is 8.2.0b


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The Dangers of modern veterinary life
Uday Reddy
2014-09-19 16:19:43 UTC
Post by Matthew Vernon
If I visit a folder that has a lot of messages that aren't in my local
IMAP cache (e.g. because I've not looked at it in VM for a while), then
from time to time the update will stop, and the following error appear
Retrieving message 1700 (of 2873) from hermes:inbox, 100%... [2 times]
Retrieval from hermes:inbox signaled: (vm-imap-protocol-error expected (BODY[] string) in FETCH response)
Retrieving message 1700 (of 2873) from hermes:inbox, 100%...
vm-imap-protocol-error always means that the server didn't deliver what it
was supposed to as per the IMAP protocol. It is harmless because VM expects
such things and protects itself.

If you want to track down what may be happening, please see the bit under
"Troubleshooting mail servers" under "POP and iMAP Folders" in the VM

Robert Marshall
2014-09-19 18:06:13 UTC
Post by Matthew Vernon
If I visit a folder that has a lot of messages that aren't in my local
IMAP cache (e.g. because I've not looked at it in VM for a while), then
from time to time the update will stop, and the following error appear
Retrieving message 1700 (of 2873) from hermes:inbox, 100%... [2 times]
Retrieval from hermes:inbox signaled: (vm-imap-protocol-error expected (BODY[] string) in FETCH response)
Retrieving message 1700 (of 2873) from hermes:inbox, 100%...
if I then hit "g" again, then VM continues downloading.
This is an intermittent problem - sometimes it'll only manage 100 or so
messages before failing thus, other times over 1000.
Is this a known issue? I'm pretty sure my IMAP server is
competent. vm-version is 8.2.0b
This looks to be the same bug that I reported back in August - I can't see
it in the bug list but it had the subject:

'vm-imap-protocol-error when retrieving lots of messages'

I tried setting vm-imap-messages-per-session but that apparently only
works for local folders

Robert (Hi Matthew!)
La grenouille songe..dans son château d'eau
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