Marius Hofert
2011-10-14 19:10:28 UTC
Dear all,
I work with Aquamacs 3.x (latest nightly build) on Mac OS X 10.7.2. I would like to use View Mail to read and send emails from Aquamacs. I did the following:
(1) I downloaded the View Mail source code vm-8.2.0a.tgz from
(2) I installed it following the standard procedure (configure, make, make install).
(3) I put in the following in ~/Library/Preferences/Aquamacs Emacs/Preferences.el:
(setq vm-imap-account-alist
("*:login:<mylogin>:*" "ethz")
("*:login:<***>:*" "gmail")
(setq vm-primary-inbox "*:login:<mylogin>:*" "ethz")
(setq vm-crash-box "~/email/inbox.crash.mbox")
(setq vm-spool-files `((,vm-primary-inbox
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.mbox$" . vm-mode))
(setq mail-user-agent 'vm-user-agent)
On starting Aquamacs, I obtain:
An error has occurred while loading `~/Library/Preferences/Aquamacs Emacs/Preferences.el (or .elc)':
Wrong type argument: symbolp, ethz
Needless to say, it is not working. I can't even use M-x vm (=> [no match]). I'm not sure if the installation worked correctly (although I haven't found errors), I haven't found anything on Aquamacs & View Mail except these post(s):
Has anyone tried this installation before? Did I miss anything above? (I mainly followed the View Mail wiki here but I'm a total newbie to Aquamacs + View Mail so there is some chance I did something wrong).
I work with Aquamacs 3.x (latest nightly build) on Mac OS X 10.7.2. I would like to use View Mail to read and send emails from Aquamacs. I did the following:
(1) I downloaded the View Mail source code vm-8.2.0a.tgz from
(2) I installed it following the standard procedure (configure, make, make install).
(3) I put in the following in ~/Library/Preferences/Aquamacs Emacs/Preferences.el:
(setq vm-imap-account-alist
("*:login:<mylogin>:*" "ethz")
("*:login:<***>:*" "gmail")
(setq vm-primary-inbox "*:login:<mylogin>:*" "ethz")
(setq vm-crash-box "~/email/inbox.crash.mbox")
(setq vm-spool-files `((,vm-primary-inbox
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.mbox$" . vm-mode))
(setq mail-user-agent 'vm-user-agent)
On starting Aquamacs, I obtain:
An error has occurred while loading `~/Library/Preferences/Aquamacs Emacs/Preferences.el (or .elc)':
Wrong type argument: symbolp, ethz
Needless to say, it is not working. I can't even use M-x vm (=> [no match]). I'm not sure if the installation worked correctly (although I haven't found errors), I haven't found anything on Aquamacs & View Mail except these post(s):
Has anyone tried this installation before? Did I miss anything above? (I mainly followed the View Mail wiki here but I'm a total newbie to Aquamacs + View Mail so there is some chance I did something wrong).