[VM] The message about deleted mails is hidden
Göran Uddeborg
2012-08-02 14:12:46 UTC
When catching up with my mail after my vacation recently, I noticed
that vm no longer reported the number of messages it deleted when I
did vm-kill-subject. Instead it just said "Recreating summary" each

Looking in the *Messages* buffer, I realized that the old message was
still there. But it was always immediately followed by the new,
before I had a chance to see the first. Like this:

310 messages deleted
Recreating summary... done

Is this a bug I should report? Or is it something I miss here?

vm-version 8.2.0b
emacs-version 21.4.1
Uday Reddy
2012-08-09 13:03:13 UTC
Post by Göran Uddeborg
Looking in the *Messages* buffer, I realized that the old message was
still there. But it was always immediately followed by the new,
310 messages deleted
Recreating summary... done
If you set `vm-verbosity' to 5, which is the "normal level," you won't be
bothered by nitty gritty messages from VM.

Göran Uddeborg
2012-08-09 19:30:01 UTC
Post by Uday Reddy
If you set `vm-verbosity' to 5, which is the "normal level," you won't be
bothered by nitty gritty messages from VM.
Oh, thanks for the tip.

Any particular reason the "normal level" isn't also the default?
Maybe because 8.2.0b is a beta?
Uday Reddy
2012-08-09 23:04:02 UTC
Post by Göran Uddeborg
Post by Uday Reddy
If you set `vm-verbosity' to 5, which is the "normal level," you won't be
bothered by nitty gritty messages from VM.
Oh, thanks for the tip.
Any particular reason the "normal level" isn't also the default?
Maybe because 8.2.0b is a beta?
I have set the default to reflect the verbosity that was present earlier,
before we introduced the `vm-verbosity' variable. This is documented in the
NEWS file.

Göran Uddeborg
2012-08-10 19:30:33 UTC
Post by Uday Reddy
This is documented in the
NEWS file.
Ah, then I've read about it. My memory is good but short! :-)
