[VM] Only ellipsis ("...") in Folder presenstation
2013-09-05 08:59:17 UTC

I sort incoming mail with procmail and all mailing list mail is sorted to
some extra mail folder. To read this folder, I rename it, as new mail may
arrive while reading the folder. This was a working procedure for a long
time. I work on Linux/Opensuse on 64-bit. Upgrade to Opensuse 12.3 now uses
emacs "24.2.1" and "7.19". Now reading through the procmail sorted folder
for a lot of messages only a ellipsis (three dots or "...") is displayed. I
looked after special features in those mails, but couldn't decipher
one. Also a look for "..." and ellipsis in the sources didn't give me a
clue. My ~/.vm disn't change with the upgrade.

After reading the folder, I let vm dispose the message in the sum folder to
mailing list specific folder. Opening those folder the messages that
displayed an ellipsis in the procmail sorted folder now display right!

Has anybody some ideas why the ellipsis is displayed and how to fix it?

Uwe Bonnes ***@elektron.ikp.physik.tu-darmstadt.de

Institut fuer Kernphysik Schlossgartenstrasse 9 64289 Darmstadt
--------- Tel. 06151 162516 -------- Fax. 06151 164321 ----------
Uday Reddy
2013-09-05 09:38:27 UTC
Post by b***@elektron.ikp.physik.tu-darmstadt.de
I sort incoming mail with procmail and all mailing list mail is sorted to
some extra mail folder. To read this folder, I rename it, as new mail may
arrive while reading the folder. This was a working procedure for a long
time. I work on Linux/Opensuse on 64-bit. Upgrade to Opensuse 12.3 now uses
emacs "24.2.1" and "7.19". Now reading through the procmail sorted folder
for a lot of messages only a ellipsis (three dots or "...") is displayed. I
looked after special features in those mails, but couldn't decipher
one. Also a look for "..." and ellipsis in the sources didn't give me a
clue. My ~/.vm disn't change with the upgrade.
Can you clarify where you see the ellipses? Headers or body?

For all messages or only a few?

Are the ellipses in the mail file (when you visit it as a text file), or are
they being generated by VM? (Since saving them into another folder removes
the ellipses, I presume that the messages themselves are ok.)

I personally don't know of any situation where VM displays ellipses. It is
possible that you are using some add-ons that might be generating them.
Please test it after turning off or disabling all the add-ons.

2013-09-06 09:25:16 UTC
Post by b***@elektron.ikp.physik.tu-darmstadt.de
I sort incoming mail with procmail and all mailing list mail is
sorted to some extra mail folder. To read this folder, I rename it,
as new mail may arrive while reading the folder. This was a working
procedure for a long time. I work on Linux/Opensuse on
64-bit. Upgrade to Opensuse 12.3 now uses emacs "24.2.1" and
"7.19". Now reading through the procmail sorted folder for a lot of
messages only a ellipsis (three dots or "...") is displayed. I looked
after special features in those mails, but couldn't decipher
one. Also a look for "..." and ellipsis in the sources didn't give me
a clue. My ~/.vm disn't change with the upgrade.
Uday> Can you clarify where you see the ellipses? Headers or body?

It's displayed in the body.

Uday> For all messages or only a few?

Only some messages.

Uday> Are the ellipses in the mail file (when you visit it as a text
Uday> file), or are they being generated by VM? (Since saving them into
Uday> another folder removes the ellipses, I presume that the messages
Uday> themselves are ok.)

The ellipsis are generated by emacs/vm.

Uday> I personally don't know of any situation where VM displays
Uday> ellipses. It is possible that you are using some add-ons that
Uday> might be generating them. Please test it after turning off or
Uday> disabling all the add-ons.

I strippped down my .emacs to the bare minimum for run vm. The behaviour
persists. I have appended a screenshot of the displayed ellipsis and an
offending mail folder. Can anybody test if the error is repeatable on other

Uwe Bonnes ***@elektron.ikp.physik.tu-darmstadt.de

Institut fuer Kernphysik Schlossgartenstrasse 9 64289 Darmstadt
--------- Tel. 06151 162516 -------- Fax. 06151 164321 ----------
[ATTACHMENT /tmp/lists.org.gz, application/octet-stream]
[ATTACHMENT /tmp/ellipsis.jpg.gz, application/octet-stream]
Uday Reddy
2013-09-06 11:34:49 UTC
Post by b***@elektron.ikp.physik.tu-darmstadt.de
I strippped down my .emacs to the bare minimum for run vm. The behaviour
persists. I have appended a screenshot of the displayed ellipsis and an
offending mail folder. Can anybody test if the error is repeatable on other
Might it have something to do with previewing? What happens if you hit
<SPACE>? What is the value of `vm-preview-lines'?

Also, please ask your Linux distributors to get more recent versions of VM,
which can be found at http://www.nongnu.org/viewmail/.

2013-09-06 16:37:33 UTC
I installed vm-8.2.0b.tgz following INSTALL, configured with
OTHERDIRS="/usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/w3m/" where Opensuse 12.3 w3m is

Running with .emacs
(add-to-list 'load-path "/usr/local/share/emacs/site-lisp/vm")
(add-to-list 'Info-default-directory-list (expand-file-name "/usr/local/share/info"))
(require 'vm-autoloads)

(setq mail-signature t);; use ~/.signature

the first obseravation is:
'm' to compose a mail doesn't work until some mail composition buffer has
been displayed with some other command, like 'f' to compose a follow up mail.
Clicking Send->Compose doesn't work neither. The message buffer tells:
vm-mail: Symbol's function definition is void: vm-select-recipient-from-sender
After some mail composition buffer has been opened, 'm' works as expected.

Second observation:
- Now some messages only display a line with dashes, like


See appended screenshot. Please test with the mail folder I sent in
earlier mail.

Uwe Bonnes ***@elektron.ikp.physik.tu-darmstadt.de

Institut fuer Kernphysik Schlossgartenstrasse 9 64289 Darmstadt
--------- Tel. 06151 162516 -------- Fax. 06151 164321 ----------
Uday Reddy
2013-09-06 17:05:36 UTC
Post by b***@hertz.ikp.physik.tu-darmstadt.de
- Now some messages only display a line with dashes, like
See appended screenshot. Please test with the mail folder I sent in
earlier mail.
I couldn't view the jpg file. The earlier attachments didn't come through
either. Probably the mailing list manager is unhappy about them.

Please send a bug report using vm-submit-bug-report.

