Post by Uday ReddyPost by Matthew VernonI'm not sure I agree that password-based authentication is inherently
less secure than public-key-based authentication, but that's getting
rather off-topic, isn't it? I don't think password-based ssh logins are
so dreadful an idea that VM should not support them as a policy issue or
anything like that.
No, we don't have any policy that VM should not support it. That is the way
Kyle Jones designed it. I don't know how easy or hard it might be to add
password-based SSH authentication. If anybody is able to work on it and
contribute a patch, I will be happy to incorporate it.
Further investigation suggests I was (somewhat) mistaken, but that the
ssh invocation is a bit buggy, I think.
Suppose my username on my machine running vm is alice, and my username
on my mailserver is bob. If I have:
("*" "foo")
as my mailbox specification. If I then visit foo:inbox, then VM calls
ssh -L
...and this will try to log in as ***,
which will fail.
In fact, if I am running emacs under X, then openssh can pop up a window
to ask for a password, and so password entry isn't an issue under
X11. It cannot do this in a terminal window, however[0].
I can work around this username problem by doing something like:
(setq vm-ssh-program-switches
'("-l" "bob")
...but that only works if my username is bob on /every/ mailhost I want
to imap/ssh to. I wonder if it would be better to add a username
argument to vm-setup-ssh-tunnel, and pass the username bit of the
maildrop specification to that?
Post by Uday ReddyPost by Matthew VernonThe host concerned does not support imap/ssl, and has no plans to do so.
That is ok. But I have mentioned the solution of ssh tunneling. Can you
try that and see if that does the job for you?
Yes, it does.
[0] I'm not good enough an elisp hacker to fix this, I don't think.
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