2012-04-04 11:49:49 UTC
I know that vm-create-virtual-folder works when called while viewing
an imap folder,
but how do I make a virutal folder I can visit with vm-visit-virtual-
folder, that uses imap folders?
e.g. I have a gmail account and the vm imap folder is "gmail:INBOX",
but none
of "gmail" "INBOX" or "gmail:INBOX" works when used with vm-virtual-
It's always empty when visited (even with a correct "any" condition).
When I have the gmail:INBOX open (visited) and then open the virutal
folder (specified as gmail), it will
even open up a second buffer called gmail instead of using the
existing one.
Is is just not implemented, or am I doin something wrong?
an imap folder,
but how do I make a virutal folder I can visit with vm-visit-virtual-
folder, that uses imap folders?
e.g. I have a gmail account and the vm imap folder is "gmail:INBOX",
but none
of "gmail" "INBOX" or "gmail:INBOX" works when used with vm-virtual-
It's always empty when visited (even with a correct "any" condition).
When I have the gmail:INBOX open (visited) and then open the virutal
folder (specified as gmail), it will
even open up a second buffer called gmail instead of using the
existing one.
Is is just not implemented, or am I doin something wrong?