[VM] smtp error
Dave Webb
2011-06-02 18:38:31 UTC
trying to use a smtp inbox for gmail. Things were going fine, but now
when connecting and asking inbox to "g" get new mail, vm connects to
smtp server, checks for mail, starts to download and then suddenly posts
this error "vm-number-messages: Wrong type argument: stringp, nil". If
there is any mail in the inbox, now it is marked as read, remains on
server but does not show up in the inbox folder of vm.

this might be related to the earlier error I posted about opening window
not associated with any buffer, but i don't know.

sorry for all these beginner postings but that's where I'm at.
John Hein
2011-06-02 19:53:11 UTC
Post by Dave Webb
trying to use a smtp inbox for gmail.
smtp is the protocol for outgoing mail.
Perhaps you meant to write "imap" or "pop".
gmail supports retrieving mail via both imap and pop.
If you're not sure, send your vm settings.
Post by Dave Webb
Things were going fine, but now when connecting and asking inbox to
"g" get new mail, vm connects to smtp server, checks for mail,
starts to download and then suddenly posts this error
"vm-number-messages: Wrong type argument: stringp, nil".
One should not see this error. It's typically either a corrupt folder
file or a bug in emacs or vm. Re: corrupt file... at the top of the
folder file are some X-VM* header fields. To help track down your
problem, you may want to copy your folder file to a backup, then
remove all the X-VM* fields. Then visit the edited file in vm and see
if you still get the error.
Post by Dave Webb
If there is any mail in the inbox, now it is marked as read, remains on
server but does not show up in the inbox folder of vm.
this might be related to the earlier error I posted about opening window
not associated with any buffer, but i don't know.
sorry for all these beginner postings but that's where I'm at.
For these kinds of issues, it will usually help if you can narrow
it down to a simple reproducible case. You should also try using
emacs and vm with default settings ...

mv ~/.vm ~/.vm.temp-move
mv ~/.vm.preferences ~/.vm.preferences.temp-move
emacs -Q --eval "(autoload 'vm \"vm\" \"View Mail\" t)"

Also report version information (M-x vm-version and M-x version).

If you have a problem with a particular folder file (like you are
having), try to whittle it down to something that you can send to the
list or post somewhere (removing any private information).

If you only see a problem with certain personal settings, then
report the minimum non-default vm (and possibly emacs) settings.

If you are still seeing an error like the one you're having, try
setting the debug-on-error variable to t (don't set it permanently,
just when you run across a problem).

Also you may want to search for existing known problems here:

Dave Webb
2011-06-02 21:19:03 UTC
Post by John Hein
smtp is the protocol for outgoing mail.
Perhaps you meant to write "imap" or "pop".
you're completely correct, sorry, i meant imap
Post by John Hein
One should not see this error. It's typically either a corrupt folder
appears to be in the file itself, as after moving and checking it came down fine, i will keep an eye on this file and see what is corrupting
Post by John Hein
For these kinds of issues, it will usually help if you can narrow
it down to a simple reproducible case. You should also try using
thanks for some guide lines for tracking down problems, i will attempt to improve on my fault finding and clarity.

thank you very much for your help. I find vm exceptional for quick email sorting, deleting, refiling and much more. I hope to learn how to use it and all its features without breaking it in the future.
Dave Webb
Woodworks on Shine
Uday S Reddy
2011-06-07 14:26:16 UTC
Post by Dave Webb
trying to use a smtp inbox for gmail. Things were going fine, but now
when connecting and asking inbox to "g" get new mail, vm connects to
smtp server, checks for mail, starts to download and then suddenly posts
this error "vm-number-messages: Wrong type argument: stringp, nil". If
there is any mail in the inbox, now it is marked as read, remains on
server but does not show up in the inbox folder of vm.
I suppose you mean you are trying to use *IMAP* (not "smtp")? But you
haven't said whether you are using a local folder or an IMAP folder
(server folder) for downloading mail.

Once again, you need to check if anything has gone wrong with the IMAP
connection. Please set vm-imap-keep-trace-buffers to t in your .vm file
and look at the contents of the trace buffer after getting the error.
You can send me the contents to verify.

