I'll continue in evidence-based mode and take a slightly different
tack. In Thunderbird I removed the size limitation of 50K for
synchronization. Then the Thunderbird synchronization file has a
-rw-rw-rw- 1 Alan None 162119 04-07 20:56 INBOX
It has grown in size to 162119. Prior to doing this, my previous
email (Date: Sat, 7 Apr 2012 14:54:11 -0500) had reported for that
-rw-rw-rw- 1 Alan None 43765 04-07 13:43 INBOX
I can make VM parse the "INBOX" file (the Thunderbird synchronization
file) by doing two things:
1) Evaluate '(setq vm-leading-message-separator-regexp-From_ "^From[^:]")'
2) Make sure that the "From" line that starts each message is preceded by a
blank line
-> 1 N Dick Carrigan Mar 7 36/1573 "Next quarterly lunch Wednesday, April 11 [retired scientist list]"
3 N Dick Carrigan Apr 6 91/3729 "Next quarterly lunch Wednesday, April 11 [retired scientist list]"
4 N Mark Messier Apr 7 137/6457 "Fwd: LBNE Reconfiguration: webpage and workshop (April 25-26)"
5 N WinZip Computing Apr 5 293/15111 "Type 3X Faster with Your Voice - 50% Off Dragon"
6 N Fermilab Today Apr 6 1811/113630 "Fermilab Today - Friday, April 6"
The entry in the buffer generated by the command "buffer-menu" for
%* INBOX 162922 VM c:/Documents and Settings/Alan/Application Data/Thunderbird/Profiles/qn5qd3de.default/ImapMail/email.fnal.gov/INBOX
1 U Dick Carrigan Mar 7 37/5605 "Next quarterly lunch Wednesday, April 11 [retired scientist list]"
3 Dick Carrigan Apr 6 91/7806 "Next quarterly lunch Wednesday, April 11 [retired scientist list]"
-> 4 Mark Messier Apr 7 137/10825 "Fwd: LBNE Reconfiguration: webpage and workshop (April 25-26)"
5 U WinZip Computing Apr 5 293/17469 "Type 3X Faster with Your Voice - 50% Off Dragon"
6 Fermilab Today Apr 6 0/113632 "Fermilab Today - Friday, April 6"
% inbox 49639 VM ~/mail_rmail/imap-cache-d0925bcceba88ad7703984efcad1f482
I can do "compare-windows" (with a prefix, to ignore whitespace
differences) and compare the presentation buffers in each case. They
compare equal for the first four messages. For the fifth message the
Subject: Type 3X Faster with Your Voice - 50% Off Dragon
Date: Thu, 5 Apr 2012 12:23:07 -0400
in each case. In Thunderbird, for that message, much more is shown.
INBOX: Decoding MIME message...
INBOX: Inlining text/html by emacs-w3m...
WARNING: Could not load feature w3m.
WARNING: Related functions may not work correctly!
INBOX: Inline text/html by emacs-w3m display failed: Symbol's value as variable is void: w3m-cid-retrieve-function-alist
INBOX: Decoding MIME message... done
For the sixth message, for "inbox", I was asked for the password for
Warning: No user-definable flags available for the IMAP mailbox
Retrieving message 1 (of 1) from fermi_email:inbox, 38%...
Retrieving message 1 (of 1) from fermi_email:inbox, 41%...
Retrieving message 1 (of 1) from fermi_email:inbox, 65%...
inbox: Decoding MIME message...
inbox: Inlining text/html by emacs-w3m...
WARNING: Could not load feature w3m.
WARNING: Related functions may not work correctly!
inbox: Inline text/html by emacs-w3m display failed: Symbol's value as variable is void: w3m-cid-retrieve-function-alist
inbox: Recreating summary... done
inbox: Decoding MIME message... done
-> 6 Fermilab Today Apr 6 1812/113632 "Fermilab Today - Friday, April 6"
This time around the relevant VM variables are (again, from the
(format "%s\n%s\n %s\n%s\n%s\n"
((imap:localhost:143:*:login:wehmann:* fermi_email))
One can note that this time "vm-primary-inbox" is different from what
I reported in my email earlier today, (Date: Sat, 7 Apr 2012 14:54:11
-0500). At that time I had customized "vm-primary-inbox" for just
that VM session and now it is back to the saved customization value.
In this case "~/INBOX" should not be confused with "INBOX" above, since
they are in different directories. File "~/INBOX" is what I have been
using with a Yahoo POP server. It was also used in a VM session on
April 4, when I was using the IMAP inbox as a spool file.
As for the size numbers being different on the Summary buffers for
"INBOX" and "inbox", that I assume is because "inbox" has attributes
saved in it and "INBOX" does not.
As a further test, I added another large message to the IMAP inbox
-rw-rw-rw- 1 Alan None 387242 04-07 22:32 INBOX
-> 1 N Dick Carrigan Mar 7 36/1573 "Next quarterly lunch Wednesday, April 11 [retired scientist list]"
3 N Dick Carrigan Apr 6 91/3729 "Next quarterly lunch Wednesday, April 11 [retired scientist list]"
4 N Mark Messier Apr 7 137/6457 "Fwd: LBNE Reconfiguration: webpage and workshop (April 25-26)"
5 N WinZip Computing Apr 5 293/15111 "Type 3X Faster with Your Voice - 50% Off Dragon"
6 N Fermilab Today Apr 6 1811/113631 "Fermilab Today - Friday, April 6"
7 Fermilab Today Apr 5 3123/218957 "Fermilab Today - Thursday, April 5"
(after making sure that there was a blank line ahead of each "From"
line--as before).
In the "inbox" buffer I did the command "vm-get-new-mail". After a
-> 1 U Dick Carrigan Mar 7 37/5605 "Next quarterly lunch Wednesday, April 11 [retired scientist list]"
3 Dick Carrigan Apr 6 91/7806 "Next quarterly lunch Wednesday, April 11 [retired scientist list]"
4 Mark Messier Apr 7 137/10825 "Fwd: LBNE Reconfiguration: webpage and workshop (April 25-26)"
5 WinZip Computing Apr 5 293/17469 "Type 3X Faster with Your Voice - 50% Off Dragon"
6 Fermilab Today Apr 6 1812/113632 "Fermilab Today - Friday, April 6"
7 Fermilab Today Apr 5 0/225037 "Fermilab Today - Thursday, April 5"
when I stepped to message 7 in the Summary buffer, more was fetched
1 U Dick Carrigan Mar 7 37/5605 "Next quarterly lunch Wednesday, April 11 [retired scientist list]"
3 Dick Carrigan Apr 6 91/7806 "Next quarterly lunch Wednesday, April 11 [retired scientist list]"
4 Mark Messier Apr 7 137/10825 "Fwd: LBNE Reconfiguration: webpage and workshop (April 25-26)"
5 WinZip Computing Apr 5 293/17469 "Type 3X Faster with Your Voice - 50% Off Dragon"
6 Fermilab Today Apr 6 1812/113632 "Fermilab Today - Friday, April 6"
-> 7 Fermilab Today Apr 5 3124/218959 "Fermilab Today - Thursday, April 5"
I can emphasize the following conclusions from this evidence:
1) Thunderbird is synchronizing a file on my computer's hard drive,
matching the contents of the IMAP inbox folder.
2) The setting of 50000 for "vm-imap-max-message-size" is working.
Messages in excess of that size are having only their headers
downloaded, when "vm-get-new-mail" is used. The full message is
downloaded if I choose it in the Summary buffer.
3) It is possible to have VM parse the Thunderbird synchronization
file (local on my hard drive), but it involves a bit of trickery.
My experience on April 4 (when I was using the IMAP inbox folder as a
spool file), of being asked a) if I wanted to download each large file
(answer no), and then being asked b) if I wanted to delete it from the
"maildrop" (answer yes . . . bad choice, bad choice, bad choice) has
me wondering about the design of those questions. It seems to me
rather odd to ask me if I want to delete a large message if I haven't
even looked at it (with VM).
Subject: Re: [VM] Info node "External Messages"
Date: Sat, 7 Apr 2012 21:26:22 +0100
Post by Alan WehmannOne reason to show how it starts off is to illustrate that the first
line is not recognized by the value of
You can't read Thunderbird's IMAP folders in VM, only the Local Folders.
(In fact, you can see from the size of the file that it is not a full folder
Post by Alan Wehmann6 Fermilab Today Apr 6 0/113632 "Fermilab Today - Friday, April 6"
For message #6 there is no indication that it was left on the server
because of being over-sized.
The "0" in the size indicator (presumably 0 lines?) tells you that the
message wasn't downloaded. What happens if you try to read the message 6?
Post by Alan WehmannI was not asked any question about whether or not I wished to download
message #6, nor was I asked any question about whether or not I wished
to delete it from the "maildrop".
Indeed, that is how it is supposed to work. It is designed to be painless.
If you delete message 6, expunge and save the folder, then message 6 will
get deleted on the server.
Alan Wehmann