Robert Marshall
2012-05-26 08:57:17 UTC
running 8.2.0b
Previously (not sure when the behaviour changed) when I ran
vm-visit-imap-folder I used to get prompted for the short name of the
imap account (and tab completion worked), then the password for the
account and then the account:folder - and tab completion also worked
Now the initial prompt expects account:folder as the first input and the
password only when you attempt to get the new email (I see this follows
the doc string). However when I attempt to tab complete (at the initial
prompt) I get the message:
read-passwd: Command attempted to use minibuffer while in minibuffer
vm-read-imap-folder-name: IMAP folder required in the format account-name:folder-name
I assume this is unintended, anyone else seeing this? Is it attempting
to read the password before it knows which imap folder?
Previously (not sure when the behaviour changed) when I ran
vm-visit-imap-folder I used to get prompted for the short name of the
imap account (and tab completion worked), then the password for the
account and then the account:folder - and tab completion also worked
Now the initial prompt expects account:folder as the first input and the
password only when you attempt to get the new email (I see this follows
the doc string). However when I attempt to tab complete (at the initial
prompt) I get the message:
read-passwd: Command attempted to use minibuffer while in minibuffer
vm-read-imap-folder-name: IMAP folder required in the format account-name:folder-name
I assume this is unintended, anyone else seeing this? Is it attempting
to read the password before it knows which imap folder?
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La grenouille songe..dans son château d'eau
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