Post by Konrad HinsenThat sounds like a very good solution for me, because it would allow
me to group my folders into more and less important ones.
Excellent. Virtual folders are very powerful, but not everybody thought
about how it can help them.
Post by Konrad Hinsen(setq vm-virtual-folder-alist
My understanding is that this should create a virtual folder with
exactly the same messages as my inbox (which is on an imap-ssl
account). It does create a virtual folder, but a folder that is always
I tried this definition and it worked ok.
I was going to ask which version of VM you are using. This should work in
the latest release of VM, which is 8.2.0a. (It might also work in 8.1.93a,
according to the NEWS file, but not in older versions.)
Actually, since you are going to be the latest additions, it is best to get
the development version (the "trunk"). The README file gives you
instructions for setting up a bazaar sync, so that you can easily get the
latest updates. You will need bazaar, autoconf, configure and make tools to
download and compile this version. If you can't do that, you should
download 8.2.0a from the Launchpad web site.
Post by Konrad HinsenIf I use V-C from inside VM, I can create such a virtual folder and it
works. So the problem seems to be in the definition of
The original virtual folder system didn't handle IMAP folders. I suspect
that is the problem you are facing.
Post by Konrad HinsenIs there a way to get the list of all IMAP folders in an account from
VM? Ideally, I'd like to build a virtual folder by selecting all
mailboxes from my account that match a given pattern.
M-x vm-imap-list-folders.
Another option is to set up the account on Thunderbird, and use its
facilities for listing folders. You can use VM and Thunderbird side by side
with IMAP folders and nothing ever goes wrong. (The only thing to keep in
mind is that Thunderbird updates the server almost immediately, whereas VM
updates it only when you do a save. So, the two views can be slightly